
Showing posts from July, 2017

017 Tom Seest on Fasting 7/26/17

Tom talks about his experiences with fasting and how he is using fasting to help his Atrial Fibrillation(Afib).  If you want to know more about fasting or hear more about Tom's story, you can message him on FaceBook. More info on Ketogenic way of eating along with fitness: Play Pause Rewind 00:00 00:00 1x Mute/Unmute Download the MP3 - Subscribe to the podcast: iTunes / Google Play / SoundCloud -------------------------------------------------------------- More info on Ketogenic way of eating along with fitness: Email = Facebook = Pinterest = Instagram = Twitter = @KetonianKorner YouTube = KetonianKorner

016 Nutrition Labels 7/19/17

Big Fat Food Fraud by Jeff Scot Philips Ingredients must be listed in order of quantity on the label. People only look at the top 3-4 ingredients. The food industry started using less sugar, so the consumer would think the produce was more healthy.  However, they are using multiple sweeteners in order to achieve this and keep the taste the same.  Many times the product is sweeter than it started out being. Food companies create documents that "appear" to be scientific studies. According to the USDA - Salmon alone can't be considered health food because it is too high in fat. The head of the FDA Michael Taylor used to be former VP Monsanto - he and others make all the rules for FDA and USDA USDA regulates beef, Chicken (peeled eggs) & FDA regulates sea food, eggs and they don't talk to each other...if both are in a dinner no one regulates because they don't know who should do it Natural flavors - this means nothing Marketing terms - Natural, organic, f...

015 Good Stress Bad Stress 7/21/17

Lets talk stress. We review John's thought on how you can look at your stress level, trigger thoughts on how to know you're out of balance, and some ways you can tackle it. Referenced in podcast: Precision Nutrition info-graph Audio Play Pause Rewind 00:00 00:00 1x Mute/Unmute Download the MP3 - Subscribe to the podcast: iTunes / Google Play / SoundCloud Video -------------------------------------------------------------- More info on Ketogenic way of eating along with fitness: Email = Facebook = Pinterest = Instagram = Twitter = @KetonianKorner YouTube = KetonianKorner

014 July Q & A 7/5/17

Podcast Agenda How do I find show notes? What type of alcohol is acceptable in keto? Is there a benefit to MCT oil over pills/powders? How often should I measure my ketones and blood glucose? Do you think collegan supplement is a good thing? Will it help with "loose" skin after weight loss? Is there a book you would recommend for someone just starting out? If I have cheated...what is the best way to get back into ketosis? How long does it take to get back into ketosis if I "jumped" out? What type of cardio do you recommend? What are some of the kitchen gagets you use? Can all recipes be ketofied? Audio Play Pause Rewind 00:00 00:00 1x Mute/Unmute Download the MP3 - Subscribe to the podcast: iTunes / Google Play / SoundCloud Video -------------------------------------------------------------- More info on Ketogenic way of eating along with fitness: Email =